Monday, November 28, 2016


Thanksgiving is my all-time favorite holiday. I have such cherished memories of Thanksgiving. We would travel the 8-10 hours (it all depended on how many times we had to stop so Malory could go to the bathroom 😉) to Rose, Idaho to my Grandma & Grandpa Taylor's. You walk in and it smells like home. I'd run in yelling, "We're here! We're here! Grandma we're here!" I'd run for my grandma's arms and be so happy to be in them! It was always so fun to play with my cousins, make our forts in the living room, make-up plays, play mofia, and laugh.
 My grandma makes THE BEST Thanksgiving dinner. I am not exaggerating one bit! My favorite part of the dinner has always been mashed potatoes. I LOVE mashed potatoes! Some of my fondest childhood memories were with my family at grandma's during Thanksgiving. This past weekend I've had some time to reflect on all of these memories and I found myself feeling very grateful.
I have truly felt the spirit of Thanksgiving this year. I have so much to be grateful for! I am first grateful for family. I am so lucky to have SUCH an amazing family. I am also so grateful for Marshall's family. Both sides of our families have been so supportive, loving, and have been such a source of strength for us this year. They have loved us and our sweet Desmond unconditionally. I am so grateful for my Marshall for his love and support. I am grateful for my Desmond. He is the sweetest, kindest, even tempered boy. I am forever grateful that I get to be his mother.
This year we were with the Cox's and it was a blast! I made my grandma's famous yams and my first time making a pie! The meal was AMAZING! I once again ate a LOT of mashed potatoes and was VERY full. Later we played Bingo which was so fun too. There really is nothing like spending time with family and loved ones. Desmond seemed to have a good time! He mostly trotted around, laughed, and seemed to be comfortable! Desmond used to get pretty anxious when we would all gather as a family, but now he seems so comfortable. I credit this to all the therapy, especially ABA. We have noticed such a difference in Desmond and his confidence since starting ABA. He seems to have more facial expressions, laughing, smiling, eye contact, he over all just seems happier! We saw a lot of this this weekend.
Now it's officially Christmas Time!!! I can't wait! However, this means that I will soon have a 2 YEAR OLD! Come the end of December our little Dessy will be 2!! I can't believe it!

Some pictures of our Thanksgiving Weekend

My first attempt at making an apple pie! Let's just say the second one turned out just right 😉
Desmond in his favorite spot at Grandma Cox's.
 Me and Jenna were in charge of doing the centerpieces for the tables this year. They turned out pretty good!
 Me and my main Man!
 I made my Grandma Taylor's famous yams this year for the Cox's. They were DELICIOUS!
 My plate this year! Yes, I ate every bite!
 I caught a really precious moment with Desmond and Danny. Desmond NEVER does this. He never puts his head on your shoulder, let alone a HUG TOO! Danny got the first ever occurrence over the weekend. It was so sweet.
 So Desmond is on the right and his cousin Kellen is on the left. Desmond will be 2 in December and Kellen just turned 5. They are like the same size in this picture! Ha! Our Des is a tank!
And here they are from the front. Adorable!

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