Thursday, September 15, 2016


I feel like I'm starting to settle in here on the moon! Things seem to be brighter, happier, and settled now that some time has passed. The official diagnosis is settling in and it doesn't hurt so much anymore, which feels amazing! There has been some changes this past week that I wanted to blog about and then we'll get to Desmond's ABA session.
On Tuesday Marshall's family dog died. Gunner was hit by a car. Gunner was getting pretty old, he was blind, and going deaf. He most likely didn't hear or see the car coming. It has been sad, but in the long run it was probably the best thing for Gunner. He was such a kind, sweet, chocolate Lab. We're going to miss you Gunner!

I do have some good news! I have a new niece! She is beautiful! Her name is Lyla and we are all so glad she is here! Here is me and Desmond with Lyla. Not the best picture of me, but it's cute of Des with his new cousin!

There is nothing like a newborn baby coming into the world. Lyla has brought so much love, perspective and optimism to my heart, that is for sure. While I was holding her I couldn't help but feel so grateful for the things I do have in my life; my little family, and my extended family. Welcome to the best family in the world little Lyla! We are a family who take care of each other, we're there for each other through rain or shine, thick or thin. No one will love you more than us little one!
Desmond's ABA session went okay this week. We decided that it would be best to split up the session. Instead of once a week for 2 hours, we're going to change to twice a week for one hour. Desmond does really well for the first hour, but then he starts to get cranky, moody, and starts to shut down in the second hour. We think it will be better to have more frequent/shorter sessions with Rachel. This will be better for Desmond in a lot of ways. First being, he'll get to see Rachel on a more regular basis and get used to her being here. Secondly, his attention span won't have to be completely warn out every time Rachel comes. Even if it is for just an hour, Rachel will be able to do more quality work if we shorten the time and split up the days.
I think it's going to be really good. Just as we've had to come to terms with this new life on the moon, so does Desmond. He needs to know that Rachel is going to be a very active part of our life now, and that he's going to have to put in some work too! I don't have so much fear anymore (of course I still have some) about our life here on the moon. Lyla taught me something great yesterday. Family is what is most important. If I have that, everything else will fall into place. I know it will! We'll keep chugging along, day by day, here on the moon. Overall, I would report that it has been a very positive week and I'm looking forward to the next!