Saturday, March 18, 2017

ABA, Wherefore Art Thou ABA?!

Things over here have been a little off schedule. We had our new therapist Lynsee here last week for 3 sessions, but then last week Ericka (our Autism adviser (of sorts)) let us know that Lynsee felt like being an ABA therapist wasn't the right fit for her....yeeeeaaahhh.
These are my frustrations:
1- Did we scare her off?! Was there something I said? Was there something that Desmond did? Why?!? I mean don't get me wrong, the sessions we had with her were a bit rough. Des kept running out and not wanting to interact with her. So maybe that scared her off?
2- We were then told that we could have a substitute come and do Desmond's sessions, but that in the long run it would be better for Desmond to have someone who is going to be sticking around. So we decided that we would go that course and wait for someone to get trained. Now it's the waiting game. Desmond hasn't had any ABA therapy for over a week. Don't get me wrong, the break has been nice. I do worry though when he doesn't have these sessions he desperately needs.
3- How long are we going to be waiting for?
Luckily our OT and speech therapist are GREAT! We told them a few of our frustrations about our situation and they told us that it's pretty normal for ABA therapists to have high turn over. Our chances of having a consistent ABA therapist is going to be slim. This was good information for me to know because I assumed that whoever would be coming to our home would be the same person for years to come.
Moral of the story, ABA is on hold for the unknown future. I'm trying to focus on the positives through this frustrating turn of events.
1- I don't have to worry about my house being super clean.
2- Desmond gets some free time in the mornings, which means I get free time too.
3- Heavenly Father is aware of our life, our situation, and our frustrations. It will all work out in the end.
That's what I keep coming to, it will all work out in the end. Whatever that end may be, it will be okay. So now we wait, we wait to see who will be the next person to come into our home. We pray this person will be the perfect fit for our Des!