Saturday, November 19, 2016

Angels from Heaven

Things over here on the moon have been harder lately. I mean, it's not like anything drastic happened or like there was some huge change. I think it was just another wave of harder days. We've started hitting the therapy even harder these past few weeks. Desmond was evaluated by his new speech therapist and OT therapist last week. We got the reports back and they weren't great. It's a lot of what we already knew, but again it's hard when professionals are putting labels on what we see everyday. Desmond has a severe speech delay and is borderline nonverbal. As for his OT eval he has severe low registration tendencies. What this means is that in regards to Desmond's development he's behind and needs more interventions, more therapy, and more consistent work. So, this means weekly speech therapy and OT appointments and daily ABA therapy. There is some good news to this! The good news is, that we don't have to wait until Desmond is 2 to start speech and occupational therapy because the insurance will pay for that immediately. We are still waiting for Desmond to turn 2 so he can qualify for 2 hours of ABA everyday. Just one more month of ABA twice a day.
Honestly, all the therapy appointments can be overwhelming for me at times. If I let myself think about it too much I tend to get myself all wound up about it. This happened earlier this week and I didn't get more than 8 hours of sleep total for a few days. It would get to be time to go to bed and it's like my mind would go into hyper-drive and take me to all of my deepest worries and concerns. On my 3rd day of not getting a lot of sleep my house was a mess, I hadn't showered in 2 days (I know...gross.), and I hadn't gotten Des in the bath yet. I heard a knock at the door. I planned on ignoring it because hello, I was still in my PJ's and my house was a mess. My phone starts to ring and it's my mom telling me that her and my dad are at the door. I open the door to my loving parents who had brought me flowers and a listening ear. Marshall knew I hadn't been sleeping and that I was struggling so he got in contact with my mom and sent her to my rescue. They came through the door and I was already in tears expressing my frustrations, fears, complaints, and lack of hope. I had been feeling so overwhelmed and down trodden, focusing on all the things Desmond still wasn't able to do. 
Have I mentioned how wise and in tune with the spirit my Dad is? He looked right at me and said, "Tay, you need to get on your knees and plead with your Heavenly Father to send down angels! You are more than worthy and are entitled to the ministering of angels and the spirit of God in your home and in your heart!" The spirit hit me so hard and told me that my Dad was exactly right! I can call down angels! I can ask for peace and reassurance! I can ask for my Grandpa Orville, my brother Ian, my Grandpa Brown, my Grandma Sylvie, and anyone I needed!! 
My mom told me to get in the shower and that I did. I got out of the shower and my parents had cleaned my house! I am forever grateful for the people in my life who hold me up when I can't bare this all. Thank you Mom and Dad. That little visit meant the world to me and saved me in many ways. Thank you for your light, your love, and your shoulders to cry on. I love you to the moon and back!

Pictures and More!

Here are some of our Des!

These are the new PJs my mom got Desmond! She ordered them from England and they've got London all over them! So CUTE!

His favorite food is still beans and rice!

Dad and Des!

Desmond LOVES climbing all over us. This is a regular thing. We'll be sitting on the couch or like how Marsh is sitting on the ground and Desmond will come right over and crawl on top of us.

These are the beautiful flowers my parents came over with. The candles are ours but I thought they'd look good in the picture ;)

Marshall and I were able to get away for a day for our anniversary! Marshall's family watched Des and we were able to go to Vegas for our first get away without Desmond. It was AWESOME! We had such a great time. We also got tickets to Cirques du Soleli "KA". It was unbelievable! I have seen a few Cirques du Soleli shows, but this was Marshall's first time seeing one. Here's just a few pictures of what the stage looked like before the show started.

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