Saturday, November 5, 2016

Halloween and more!

Happy Halloween from our little Elmo!

Our Pumpkin Patch this year!

We had a wonderful Halloween this year! We went trick-or-treating with Marshall's family, which included pushing Desmond in his little wagon. Desmond is still not talking so me and Marsh took turns saying "trick-or-treat". He's still at that age where he looks little enough that no one asked why he didn't say "trick-or-treat" himself, which I very much appreciated. I'm sure that's what our next Halloween will be, but I'm grateful we could put it off for one more year. After trick-or-treating we went over to my parents house and got to see all of my family in their costumes. Over all, it was a very fun Halloween. I think Des had a good time. He didn't have much candy, but did have lots of his favorite popcorn!
Therapy is still going well, slowly but surely. I've got to keep reminding myself that my little Des isn't even 2 yet. Our chances are good that he probably won't start talking until he's closer to 4-5, if at all. It's hard when you see children Desmond's age, sometimes younger and they're talking, interacting, saying all their animal noises, saying "twick-o-tweet", and Des is still baby babbling. I try no to dwell on it, but come to find out, around holidays it gets a little harder to get these thoughts out of my mind. This weekend has been a great distraction though.
My sister and her sweet family are down for the weekend for her and her husband's birthdays. (Yes they have the same birthday, yes they're adorable!) We were able to go see my other sister in "Oklahoma" and it was wonderful! It's amazing what family time can do to heal this Autism Mom's heart. Tonight we'll be celebrating Jill and Ray's birthday with Durangos! Yum! Desmond will get beans and rice (his all time favorite food!). 
The rest of the weekend will be full of family and fun! My little niece Lyla will be getting blessed tomorrow. My favorite thing in the world is being able to spend time with my family!

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