Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Wedding Bells

We had a great weekend! My brother got married to his one true love! It was seriously such a special day. They were married in the St. George, Utah LDS temple. The sealing was one of the most spiritual sealings I've been to. The spirit was so strong in that room. I think my favorite part was that all of my siblings (minus the youngest 2) got to be there. All my favorite people in one room, there to support and celebrate Mckay and his sweet bride Kayla.
I am constantly reminded of how well Desmond seems to be doing lately. He was great this weekend for the wedding. He did great at the luncheon and lasted for at least half of the reception. He used to get so overwhelmed around strangers and especially in crowds. This weekend he seemed to be more at ease. Marshall got some pretty awesome pictures of Desmond at the reception and I was able to catch a few good ones too.

I caught such a sweet moment in this picture! Desmond reached over and held Marshall's hand all on his own. So cute!!

Desmond's favorite thing to do, run around everywhere!

As for an update on all of Desmond's therapy...I would say, same old-same old. I don't really have anything new or exciting to report. We are still working on imitation, vocalization, and checking for understanding. I will say this, my sweet Desmond has been pretty cuddly lately! There will be times throughout the day that he'll just come and sit on my lap.
Recently we transitioned Desmond from his crib to a toddler bed. It has gone surprisingly well! I thought for sure it would take him some serious time to adjust, but it only took him a few days to adjust! We are so lucky to have our sweet boy in our home. He continues to amaze us everyday!

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