Friday, September 30, 2016

Temple Grandin

We watched the most inspirational movie that has me on cloud 9! It's the story of an autistic woman named Temple Grandin and her road to success. I laughed, I cried, I loved this movie! I ended up watching it twice in the last 2 days! The first time by myself and the second time with Marshall. It's currently on Amazon Prime! If you're reading this now and want to watch an amazing movie, stream "Temple Grandin"!!
This movie gives you the unique opportunity to look through the eyes of someone who is autistic. You get to learn how Temple thinks, feels, and responds to the world around her. If anything, it gave me the opportunity to see the world how our Desmond might be seeing it. It gave me so much hope and courage to push through these difficult times. I had many "favorite parts" in this movie, but I couldn't help but connect with Temple's mother. Her sweet mother never gave up on Temple. Temple's mother kept pushing her to be the best version of herself, and understood that Temple would be different but not LESS. I could go on and on about how much I loved this movie!
It also reassured me that we are on the right path for helping our Des. Even though we don't know what the future holds, we do know that if we keep at it that we will see results. Even if those results mean that, like Temple, Desmond might be socially awkward, might not fit in, but he could talk, and learn, and have a brilliant mind. Like Temple, he could go on to do amazing things to help our world. That is my hope, that is my prayer. I know there might be a lot of things my Desmond might not be capable of, but I hope that he will have a meaningful life. I hope that he will be able to talk, that he'll be able to learn, and contribute to this beautiful world; just like Temple did.

We've had a really great week over all. Desmond is doing so well with his ABA twice a week for an hour. He also had a speech therapy session today that went really well. Kerry (Desmond's Speech Therapist) brought this awesome ball game. It is a game that shoots balls out and Desmond loved it. It gave Kerry the control of how the game was played, so Des had to be the one to initiate by signing for "ball" before she would let him play with it. Of course he got a little frustrated having to initiate each time, but we did get him to sign for "ball". The hope is that with a lot of repetition and positive enforcing that "ball" will stick in his little mind and we'll start seeing him signing for it more. We've also been working on the sign for "food" and "cup". We've seen him sign for "food" a couple of times. Whether it was a flook or not, we'll take it! Also, Desmond seems to be back on his regular sleep schedule! Hallelujah! For most of the month of August Desmond was getting up at weird hours of the night. Now he's back to sleeping through the night, which has been great for me and Marsh!
Over all we have much to be grateful for! We're seeing little improvements here and there. Eye contact, interactions, and little moments where he signs are the highlights of our days. They're few and far between, but they make all our doubts and fears immediately fall away. We celebrate these tiny moments and count them as huge victories! We love our sweet little boy and look forward to the future! Like Temple's mother said; our boy may be different but he is not less. We love him so much and can't wait to see what he is capable of!

 Our Des LOVES beans and rice....
and playing at the park.

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