Thursday, September 1, 2016

Crazy Week and Hoping for the Better

I feel like this week was really long! A lot seemed to happen this week on the moon; one of them being this:

I wouldn't suggest to anyone when trying to open a stubborn lid to use a kitchen knife to pry it open. (Insert eye-roll here) This cut landed me 5 stitches and it's made being a Mommy a bit difficult here on the moon. Marshall has been amazing though. He's been picking up my slack and helping me out a bunch this week!
Desmond had his ABA session yesterday and a session with his sensory therapist the day before. It was a lot of the same this week, doing activities that get him to interact. Rachel brought a bubble machine this week and Desmond LOVED IT!!! That is going to be a great reward for him! I think the biggest news of this weeks is Des is consistently signing for "more" and is signing without any kind of prompt from us! YES!!! VICTORY!! Now that he's able to do this on his own, we can move on to other signs like "food", "drink", "up", "down", "all done", things like that! We're hoping to see more signing from him in the future.
On a low note...for whatever reason, Desmond was WIDE AWAKE at midnight last night. He then proceeded to be WIDE AWAKE until 6:00 am this morning! Needless to say, yesterday was the longest night of my life! When things like this happen I can't help but think, "Is his autism getting worse?" I mean you hear the horror stories from mothers whose autistic children don't sleep at night. Is that going to be Des? I know I can't expect the worst after just one bad night, but I can't help it sometimes. It's hard to separate "normal behavior" from "is this a symptom of autism" sometimes. Whenever he does something out of the ordinary I can't help but think, "Is this normal?" "Should he be doing that?"
I know we had one miserable night, but I'm hoping tonight will be better. We hope for the better! Because sometimes that's all you can do...that and taking a big nap. Those together have always done wonders for me!

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