Thursday, December 22, 2016

Happy Birthday Desmond!

We officially have a 2 year old!! I can't believe it! Where have the past 2 years gone? I knew that Desmond would most likely get fussy with all of our family at his little party (which he did) and that he probably wouldn't interact much (which he didn't), but it was nice to at least throw a little party for him and especially our families. They have been so loving and supportive this year. The least we could do is give them some pizza and a brownie!
Desmond's birthday was a little bitter sweet for me. I remember going to my nieces and nephews birthday parties. The 2nd birthday was always so fun because they KNEW it was their birthday! They could hold up their two fingers and show you how old they are, blow out their candles, open their presents, over all be excited for their special day. For Desmond it was just another day. He still isn't understanding much in the language department so we can't explain to him how special December 21st is to us. I kept thinking throughout the day, "Maybe next year." Maybe next year he'll hold up his three fingers to show us he's 3. Maybe next year he'll be able to blow out his candles by himself. Maybe next year he'll be able to open his own presents. Maybe next year we'll be able to tell him why December 21st is so special. Until then, I choose to stay hopeful.
One thing I've learned this year is that when things get hard, sometimes you have to choose to be hopeful, patient, and happy. Man, those things used to come so easy to me! To be fair, they still do for the most part. However, yesterday I definitely had to make the conscious choice to be hopeful. Hopeful for 2017 and the days to come. We have seen so many miracles this year with Desmond's progress and I am hopeful that there will be more to come. Our little Desmond amazes us every single day with the things he is able to do. There is so much good he is doing. He brings so much love into our home. He has the sweetest personality, he is so kind, and is always willing to "give us kisses".
This is a picture of us today. I was sitting on the ground and he came over and sat on my lap. He sat there cuddling with me for a solid 15 minutes. It's moments like that when I start to feel silly for all my worries and stress. I have the sweetest boy who is healthy, happy, and who loves me. That is what matters most; everything else will always be secondary. Always.  Today I feel hopeful. Hopeful for the future, hopeful for our Des, and hopeful that 2017 is going to be the best year yet!
Happy Birthday Desmond! We love you to the moon and back! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It was such sweet day!! The pizza was yummy, brownies delish, and the company the best, and birthday boy was beautiful!! Love this family!! Thanks for sharing Tay!!
